La Pluma Bar Pilot & Tugboat Service Montenegro je specijalizovana kompanija za pružanje lučkih usluga u luci Bar – pilotski servis, privez/odvez brodova, remorkaža, tegljenje odnosno potiskivanje plovnih
objekata u akvatorijumu luke Bar. Naša pilotska služba zapošljava 25 ljudi od kojih je 7 iskusnih pomorskih kapetana. Osnovana 2018. godine i nakon što je potpisala destegodišnji ugovor o koncesiji sa Vladom Crne Gore, počela je sa radom 20.07.2020 godine.
La Pluma Bar Pilot & Tugboat Service Montenegro is a specialized company for providing port services in the port of Bar – pilot services, mooring / unmooring and tugboat services in the aquatorium of the port
of Bar. Our pilot service employs 25 people, 7 of whom are experienced Master mariners on all different types of vessels. Company was founded in 2018 and after signing a ten-year concession agreement with the Government of Montenegro, it started to render her services on July 20, 2020.