
Brodovi na dolasku:

  • brodovi na dolasku najavljuju se preko svog pomorskog agenta najmanje 48 sati ranije.
  • 24 sata ranije brod mora potvrditi dolazak preko svog agenta (ETA na dolasku).
  • Minimalno 1 sat ranije brod mora potvrditi direktno na VHF kanalu 69 tačno vrijeme dolaska na
    pilotsku stanicu luke Bar.
  • poziv (VHF call): Bar Pilot

Brodovi na sidrištu luke Bar:

  • Ukoliko brod sidri na sidrištu luke Bar, za vrijeme boravka mora imati uključenu radio stanicu na VHF
    kanalu 16 – Bar Port Control/Harbour Master’s Office i VHF Kanalu 69 – Bar Pilot.

Brodovi na odlasku ili premještaju sa veza na vez/duž operativne obale:

  • Brodovi na odlasku iz luke Bar ili pri premještaju s veza moraju minimalno 1 sat ranije najaviti preko
    agenta ili direktno na VHF kanalu 69 svoj odlazak ili premještaj.

Promjene u najavi ili odlaganje narudžbe pilota:

  • Sva obavještenja u vezi promjene najave ili odlaganja narudžbe pilota moraju biti blagovremeno
    javljene Bar pilotu putem pomorskog agenta ili preko VHF kanala 69. Ne pridržavanje ovih uputstava
    može rezultirati kašnjenjem u pružanju usluge.

Vessels on arrival:

  • Ships on arrival should send their notice through their local agent at least 48 hours in advance.
  • 24 hours in advance the ship should confirm her ETA via agent (ETA on arrival).
  • At least 1 hour before arrival, the ship should confirm on VHF channel 69 ETA at port of Bar pilot
  • call (VHF call): Bar Pilot

Ships at the anchorage of the port of Bar:

  • If the ship is anchored at the anchorage of the port of Bar, during her stay continuous watch on VHF
    channel 16 – Bar Port Control / Harbor Master’s Office and VHF Channel 69 – Bar Pilot, must be

Ships departing or moving from berth to berth / along the operational pier:

  • Ships departing from the port of Bar or when shifting from berth to berth/along the operational pier,
    must announce their departure or shifting at least 1 hour before via an agent or using VHF channel 69.
    Changes in the notice of arrival or postponement of the pilot’s order:
  • All notifications regarding changes to the notice of arrival or postponement of the pilot’s order must be
    notified in a timely manner to the Bar Pilot via the maritime agent or via VHF channel 69. Failure to
    comply with these instructions may result in a delay in the provision of the service.