Naša kompanija se bavi pružanjem lučkih usluga – pilotaža, privez/odvez brodova, remorkaža, tegljenje odnosno potiskivanje plovnih objekatau akvatorijumu luke Bar dostava vode na brodove sidrišta luke Bar, prevoz lučkih vlasti na plovnim objektima u akvatorijumu luke Bar,prevoz shipchandler-a do brodova u luci, saglasno svim domaćim i međunarodnim propisima i standardima.
Našu kompaniju čine iskusni pomorski piloti koji su u ovom poslu više od 30 godina. Svoje radno iskustvo započeli su ranih 90tih godina radeći prvo u državnoj firmi koja je kasnije privatizovana. Uz iskustvo pilota paralelno smo sticali znanja iz rukovodstva radeći na velikim kako teretnim tako i putničkim (kruzerima) prekookenaskim brodovima kao kapetani i prvi oficiri. Na taj način smo stekli dovoljno znanja i samopouzdanja da bi se odlucili na odvazan korak da otvorimo sopstvenu pilotsku službu.
Naša pilotska služba je osnovana 2018 godine i nakon što je potpisala ugovor o koncesiji sa Vladom Crne Gore, počela je sa radom 20.07.2020 godine. Ono šte želimo da poručimo našim klijentima jeste da ćemo naš posao obavljati na način da su nam oni uvjek na prvom mjestu! Zato Vas srdačno pozivamo da, se koristeći naše usluge, uvjerite u naš kvalitet i sposobnosti.
Our company provides port services – pilotage, mooring / unmooring of ships, tugboat services, towing or pushing vessels in the port of Bar, delivery of water to the ships at the anchorage of the port of Bar, transport of port authorities on vessels in port of Bar, transport of shipchandlers to ships in the port, in accordance with all domestic and international regulations and standards.
Company consists of experienced marine pilots who have been in this business for more than 30 years. We begin our work experience in the early 1990s by working in the state-owned company that was later privatized. Along with the experience of pilots, we also gained management knowledge working like Masters and Chief officers on large(cargo and cruiser) transatlantic vessels. In this way, we obtained enough experience and self-confidence to decide to take a bold step to create our own company.
Our pilot service was established in 2018 and after signing the concession agreement with the Government of Montenegro, we have started to render our services on July 20, 2020. The message we want to send to our clients is that we will perform our job in a professional way and mutual satisfaction! That is why we cordially invite to recognize our quality and abilities by using our services.